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Client (API)

npm install

A fetch(bible) collection is just a CDN, so you can’t make requests for specific passages, which is where this client comes in.

This client helps to:

  • Explore a collection’s contents
  • Extract specific passages from CDN resources
  • Correctly style Bible text with CSS

You can also use this client to access your own self-hosted collection if you choose not to use the official one.


The standard way to use the client is to start with a new BibleClient() and then call fetch_collection(), which will return a promise for a BibleCollection which you can use to explore all the languages and translations available, and then call fetch_book(translation, book) and similar methods to get access to actual Bible content.

Methods starting with fetch_ will make a network request and return a promise, where as methods starting with get_ do not and are synchronous. For methods that return a list (e.g. languages, translations) you can usually pass {object: true} in the options argument to have them return an object keyed by id instead.



import {BibleClient} from ''

// Init client
const client = new BibleClient()

// Fetch the collection's meta data
const collection = await client.fetch_collection()

// Get what translations are available
const translations = collection.get_translations()

// Get the id of the first translation available
const translation_id = translations[0].id

// Get what books are available for the translation
// (may be whole Bible or may only be e.g. NT)
const books = collection.get_books(translation_id)

// Fetch the contents of the first book
const book = await collection.fetch_book(translation_id, books[0].id)

// Output the HTML of the first chapter of the book

See more detailed example


If your code editor supports Typescript you’ll get helpful auto-suggestions that explain all the methods and arguments possible, or alternatively you can also explore the auto-generated docs. The most important classes being:

All modules

The client also re-exports PassageReference which is useful for converting between string and object passage references (e.g. “Gen 1:1”).

Supported environments

You can use this client both client-side and server-side.

Browsers (ES2019+)

It is recommended to use a bundler (like Vite or Webpack) and simply import {BibleClient} from ''. This will use the published ESM form which supports tree-shaking.

If you can’t use a bundler for some reason, you can also:

  • Deploy dist/bundled.mjs and import it in a <script type='module'>
  • Deploy dist/bundled.iife.js and include it via a regular <script src='...'>
    • It will create a fetch_client global variable, so you can access fetch_client.BibleClient

Node (18+)

It is recommended to use ESM import/export syntax by setting "type": "module" in your package.json. You can then:

import {BibleClient} from ''

If you need to still use the old require() syntax for other modules, you can still use the ESM form via a dynamic import:

import('').then(({BibleClient}) => ...)

or you can require the bundled CJS form with:

const {BibleClient} = require('')


The client includes a functional stylesheet, meaning styles that are minimalistic and critical for correct display. If you don’t include this in your project then, for example, footnotes etc. are going to appear inline and undistinguishable from actual scripture.

If you use a tool like Webpack or Vite then you’ll simply need to import '' in a Javascript module, or you could alternatively deploy it with your code and use a <link> element to include it.

All styles are namespaced under the class fetch-bible and all subclasses are prefixed with fb- so that it won’t affect your existing styles and they also are unlikely to affect fetch(bible) HTML. So you must embed fetch(bible) HTML under a container element with the class fetch-bible.

The following classes can be added to your .fetch-bible container element:

.fb-plainDisables the more opinionated aspects of the styles so you can more easily customise them to suit your situation. E.g. Disables fading of verse numbers, chapter heading styling, notes show-on-hover, etc
.no-versesHides verse numbers
.no-chaptersHides chapter headings
.no-headingsHides section headings
.no-notesHides translation notes
.no-red-letterDisables coloring words of Jesus in red (for translations that support it)

The .fetch-bible class also has some variables you can customise:

--fb-red-letterhsl(0, 60%, 50%)The color of Jesus’ words (for translations that support it). Be sure to choose a color that works for both light & dark backgrounds.
--fb-alt-italic-filteropacity(0.85)A CSS filter to apply to text that would normally be displayed in italics, for use when italics aren’t suitable for a language’s script.
--fb-alt-bold-filtercontrast(2)A CSS filter to apply to text that would normally be displayed in bold, for use when bold isn’t suitable for a language’s script.
--fb-alt-bold-italic-filterdrop-shadow(0 0 5px hsl(0, 50%, 0%))A CSS filter to apply to text that would normally be displayed in bold+italics, for use when bold+italics isn’t suitable for a language’s script.


This client has zero external dependencies, no differences between the browser and Node versions (no unused code), and is overall very small and fast. It only connects to the endpoints you specify so can be used completely independently of the official fetch(bible) service.